V I D E O || A Seasonal Produce Guide: Spring 2015 Edition

|| A Spring Produce Guide ||

find out what's in season and the hows and whys behind buying seasonally and locally

|| April & Spring Produce Guide ||


+ artichokes + mushrooms + beans + spring onions + arugula + new potatoes + sweet potatoes + zucchini + kale + spinach


+ strawberries + raspberries + citrus + apricots + avocados

|| Additional Resources ||

+ Find the local foods in your state by particular month and time of the month. Woohoo!

+ Below is a guide made by The Bountiful Year about all seasonal produce and we'll talk about them all as the seasons come and go. Enjoy! --


+ How will you incorporate seasonal produce into your current meal planning? Tell me on Facebook, Instagram, or in the Comments below!

Want to feel like a million bucks with high energy, self-love, and freedom from fad-diets? Let’s work together.

|| R E C I P E + V I D E O || Emily Goes Into New Territory | 4.9.15

The Training Wheels Green Smoothie -Spinach & Banana (and other things of course)

R E C I P E 


+ 1 cup of Non-Dairy Milk (I normally use almond milk and add water to thin my smoothies)+ 1-2 Cups of Spinach (if new to the world of green smoothies, start at 1 cup and work up) + 1 banana + Flax Seed (anywhere from 1/2 - 1 tbsp) + Almonds (anywhere from 5-15; alternatively, use equal amounts flax and chia seeds or hemp seeds) + Spices of Choice (I love cinnamon and nutmeg) + Ice (optional)

Add all ingredients to a blender until all is combine and no longer in chunks -- there really isn't a better word for this, is there? To thin, add more non-dairy milk or water. To thicken, add more ice or plan ahead by freezing the bananas in small pieces.

Why do we love Green Smoothies? The one above packs potassium, manganese, folate, fiber, vital vitamins and nutrients (think B6, C, E, omegas), as well as protein and more, and it's all jam packed into something that tastes amazing ;-). Plus, it makes your body glow from the inside out and feel like it can go for hours (if you're wondering how filling a simple drink could be, try it out, and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised).

For another smoothie recipe, check out this Berry & Beet Smoothie + have you tried green smoothies before? was this a new idea for you? comment below!


If you saw this post on Facebook, get 5% off my services ;).

Want to feel like a million bucks with high energy, self-love, and freedom from fad-diets? Let’s work together.

Xx. Remember, always listen to your body and soul -- it's generally in there that you'll find just what you need.

Written while home with dogs on a couch that isn't my bed || 4.4.15

 || Hellooo Long Weekend ||

Do you ever wake up in the morning and just feel different? Like somewhere in the universe, a moon and a star aligned for you to feel not like yourself but not entirely in a bad way? It's happening to me. It's a wild thing, this not being yourself but not hating the new you taking residence over your body, mind, and soul. Below is a little sneak preview to the draft of this week's post on embracing the self, and then it's on to some weekly finds!

I like weird pairings like Birkenstocks and socks, and things that shouldn't taste good, taste good to me, like chlorella tablets, unsweetened raw cacao, Trader Joe's tofu, and cheap champagne. I like imagining the good in people first and seeing the unexpected later. I like to have high expectations, but sometimes I convince myself they aren't there so I can enjoy life without disappointment. I want to go to all the festivals in the world, but I'm a little scared of not showering or not being able to drink enough water. Some days I feel like the oldest soul alive...

What are you up to this Easter weekend? Do you celebrate Easter?


Finally a book guide.

Email etiquette – some of us need it.

If you thought you weren't into Zombies, try it again -- iZombie and Rose McIver have my heart.

A smoothie a day keeps the body happy, healthy, and healing. Right there is a guide to smoothies without a recipe. Also, be sure to try out the smoothie of love.

A hell of a costume creator -- thank you Janie Bryant for the beautiful vision that is Mad Men fashion.

20 embarrassing phrases even educated people use -- guilty of a couple.



Explore, love, hope, and be yourself. Always.


Want to feel like a million bucks with high energy, self-love, and freedom from fad-diets? Let’s work together.