How To :: Manage Indulgence Overload in Three Easy Steps

'Tis the Season ...

... for standing in the glow of the refrigerator to figure out what delicious food comes next; for hovering over the sink to inhale a slice of pie; for waking up with anxiety over what was eaten yesterday or the day before.

But no more! One day (or weekend) will not make or break your food habits - and if you think it will, it's the diet that is to blame, not yourself.

Waking up post-feast-weekend can leave you sluggish and, for lack of a better word, blah. So I've - Emily here! - included my top three tips for getting back to Great Vibes when I've forgotten myself and indulged like it's my middle name.

Drink Water like it's Liquid Gold - It Kind of Is.

My number one tip to surviving the holiday season is drinking water. It's the easiest, most effective way of flushing out toxins, rejuvenating your skin, and keeping you satisfied. I've done absolutely zero exercise, ate all I wanted, but made sure to have at least 64 oz. of water everyday over Thanksgiving weekend and not gained weight. That won't work for everyone, but my point is water is pure gold. If water tastes bland to you, try adding ginger or lemon (like the picture above) or infuse it with some berries. If you want to step it up a notch, try my top-secret (not-so-secret anymore) toxin flush of 1 cup of water with about a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in the morning upon first waking and again prior to going to bed. You'll be met with a happy tummy, a detoxified body, and a glowing complexion.

Move the Body, but Not Like You're Thinking.

Contrary to popular belief, the whole burn-the-equivalent-of-calories-in is wrong. You cannot hop on a treadmill and burn off that extra serving of mashed potatoes. Nope. What you can do, however, is be gentle with yourself and your initial movements post-food-coma. To begin, incorporate some slow burning, detoxing twists into your workout or yoga sequence. The reason you're puffy and uncomfortable is due to the build up of food and toxins being processed through your system. The digestive track gets to be slow moving and the stomach may become sensitive and irritable. By incorporating twists into your daily regimen, you can help your body naturally eliminate excess without it being a harmful shock to the system. If you're craving a vigorous run or yoga sequence, then by all means, please do it. Start slowly and then increase to a quicker pace. There's nothing worse than being mid-run and having your stomach cramp. But if you're sitting there saying you must even though you really just want to ease into your day, then do not do it. There's nothing less effective than a forced, high-intensity workout.

Eat More Food - Seriously, Do It.

"Let food be thy medicine" - Hippocrates

If you've overindulged, the answer is more food, not less of it. Remember what I said about exercising and how calories-in cannot be negated by burning the exact amount off? Well starving yourself the day after overindulgence does nothing more than make your body hold onto it's weight. Make room for foods that are easy to digest and extremely nutritious. Any of the recipes on The Great Vibes Guide are excellent for this. For an amazing and free detox recipe eBook, sign up for Minimalist Baker's newsletter. It includes easy to make and yummy to eat recipes that help you hit the reset button on your body. They are refreshing and absolutely delicious. The site is great in general. Dana and John bring priceless resources and incredible recipes to the online community that have me wanting to do a happy dance just thinking about it.

Wrapping back to the main point, foods can heal your body. Eat the good stuff.

Good thing we don't believe in guilt over here ...

If there is one thing I've learned, it is that life has no room for guilt or shame. You ate a meal. Maybe 10. If they exceed what you deem "good" or "acceptable", that is okay and I give you permission to forgive the unkind words spoken to yourself after eating that third slice of pie.

It's easy to get wrapped up in the fitness hype and dieting craze. However, your body is more than the food you eat. It's a miracle. So shower it with the love it deserves during this crazy and hectic holiday season. If you are still struggling, click here to reach out, and let's get you back on track. For the time being, drink lots of water, exercise in a way that makes you feel like royalty, and eat foods that make you glow.

The holidays are here. Make it a wonderful close to the year by treating yourself kindly. Xx.

P.S. Did you know you get a free 5 Tips to Great Vibes Guide & grocery store printable when you sign up for The Newsletter? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

P.S.S. Have you checked out all of the
other places Emily's spreading the Great Vibes?

Happy Thanksgiving!

Let our lives be full of both thanks & giving.

May we never lose sight of the holidays' true purpose - to bring people closer, to speak kindly and peacefully, and to remind those around us of our love. I hope you are surrounded by peace, wrapped calmly in joy, and enveloped with love. If it has yet to be said to you this season, I am blessed to have you in my life. You are cherished and honored and loved.

Happy Thanksgiving! Xx. Em

Handling Conflict :: Both Internal & External

Tips & Tricks & Why Do I Care?

Going into the holiday season can be nostalgic in many ways, yet still fraught with tension. To alleviate the inevitable pains that come with an ill-spoken word or argument, it is important to find manageable ways to deal with confrontation and conflict. Here are my top four tips along with an awesome apology format to follow in the future.

- if something is said that makes you want to lash out::

and an immediate response is necessary, take three full inhales and exhales before responding. If you can wait to respond, take the time to filter your words in a way that strongly presents your opinion but comes across without inflicting pain.

- if something is written that makes you want to lash out::

do not respond immediately. Write out what you would like to say, but do not send it at that moment. Take out unnecessary expressions of anger, and after ensuring your words come across mindfully and intentionally without cruelty, hit the send button.

- if you do or have done something in an expression of anger or hatred::

remember a heartfelt and sincere apology goes a lot further than resentment ever will. For example, if you've hurt someone's feelings or said an unkind remark, ask yourself why you lashed out that way, how it might have impacted their life to hear something like that, and ways you two might move forward.

A helpful format is,
"It has come to my attention that my action of (action requiring apology) could be seen as (offensive, annoying, hurtful, etc). I never intended to (consequence of your action). I want you to understand I was merely trying to (your intention), though I can see now that it may appear I was (perceived motive). Please accept my (adjective) apology. Moving forward, I will attempt to (proposed solution). That said, I would very much appreciate it if you (request for other party). Sincerely your (relationship to person), (your name)."

- if you are angry with or hate yourself::

breathe, ask yourself what exactly makes you upset, and plan simple steps you can take moving forward to change the behavior that bothers you. As an example, imagine you are upset you do not wake up on time. Ask yourself if you are going to bed too late, having difficulty staying asleep, or feeling overly stressed during the day. Some helpful steps would be to wind down earlier in the evening to go to bed at a more appropriate-for-you time, to lessen your load during the day by delegating or re-prioritizing, or possibly adjusting your caffeine intake if you're having trouble falling and staying asleep.

Choosing love is not easy. It requires effort and self-reflection. Be kind to yourself if you lash out or wish you had done something differently. Take small steps.

+ Did you find these tips helpful? What is your go-to calm down strategy?

P.S. Use the hashtag #thegreatvibesguide for anything that makes you feel like doing the happy dance or expressing your imperfectly perfect self.

P.S.S. Did you know you get a free Great Vibes Guide & grocery store printable when you sign up for The Newsletter? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

P.S.S.S. Have you checked out all of the
other places Emily's spreading the Great Vibes?