Try Not to Freak Out. Just Read the Finds. ||4.19.15

 || 2.5 Weeks to Go ... I'm sorry, WHAT?! ||

The weather is warming, the rain falling from the sky beckoning May flowers, and the time is short until I'll be packing my room and heading back to Wilmington for the next four months. Amazing how quickly time passes when you're growing older. Please slow down but speed up to the parts where I'm not quite so stressed, please. Is stress a state of mind? That's a thought for another week, but a thought I have often -- almost enough to cause more stress. Lawwwdddd. Let me go bury myself back under the covers while I figure out how to take back my life.

Coming up this week is a continuation of the Embrace Yourself Series. I'll be bringing up thoughts on being dependent, independent, and understanding what you want from someone in your relationship (whether it's within your family, in regards to being sexually intimate (gasp, I'm going there), or being romantically involved). Did you catch last weeks Spring Produce video? Also, catch the Embrace Yourself Series Pt. I and Pt. II. Xx.

What are you up to this weekend? Are you watching hockey? Who's your team?


I'm going to start doing this Plank Challenge on Monday ;). 

This warm salad looks yummy.

Vintage Wedding Photos that make me so excited to have my own (in ten years).

LOL. Yes. They woke up like this.

In a Madrid gallery, blind visitors can touch the artwork. Beautiful.

Buy experiences, not things.

Cheers to Bloody Mary's!

My summer hairstyle?

My future toilet paper roll holders just got a thousand times better.

How great is your eyesight? Yes this two minute video is worth it.

Explore, love, hope, and be yourself. Always.


Want to feel like a million bucks with high energy, self-love, and freedom from fad-diets? Let’s work together.

Naps, Netflix, & a Nosh Filled Weekend || 4.11.15

 || La la lazy ||

Thank goodness this week is over. I've never looked more forward to the weekend, I don't think. I'll be working a little, relaxing a bunch, and enjoying the sunny skies that have taken up this part of my world. I have too many thoughts in my head to put any of them down. How did you guys like the video yesterday? What kind of topics would you like to hear in the next coming weeks? I'm thinking of doing one a week -- every Thursday :). Can't wait. I'm happy to look into and touch on anything you wish to hear regarding health, fitness, and the like -- so comment below and let's get started!

What are you up to this weekend?


Scared to make the leap from vegetarian to vegan? Going egg free was just made ten times easier with this handy dandy guide.

Bookcases to inspire …

Stand up and slow clap for the MLB.

Summer dinner party recipe favorite …

New York’s Hottest Fictional Bachelors. Yes.

This is why I don’t drink red wine

Love Hillary Duff's style as always.

Explore, love, hope, and be yourself. Always.


Want to feel like a million bucks with high energy, self-love, and freedom from fad-diets? Let’s work together.

Weekend, Meet Go-Getter || 3.28.15

 || Hello, Weekend. What's your hurry? ||

The best thing to do in the world is sleep in until the sun on your cheeks awakens you -- and then not to get swept up with anything trying to hold you back and make you crazy. Less than one week from now, I'll be snuggling with puppies, eating candy, and hugging my mom. But until then, I'm all I've got, so I'm going to stay optimistic, hopeful, encouraged, and ready for anything.

I'll be watching the latest season of Suits, catching up on a lot of work, and breaking this self-imposed barrier I've got in my mind. Also, thinking of yummy things to share with you. What about you?

What are you up to this weekend? How's your team doing?


Cannot wait to try out some of these easy spring projects.

How I’ll be dealing with dirty hair from now on -- head scarves for the win.

Thank goodness Amanda Knox is finally innocent – let’s put it to rest and be over.

Definitely want to live here – like real badly.

I’m still waiting to read Gone Girl, but I’ll be adding these to the list as well.

A gallery of moving breakfast scenes to set that warm, cozy heart aflame.

My mom would cry if this were in my home, but it’s cute for an outdoor party.

Love this idea of teaching “topics” – America start taking some gosh darn notes before you ruin our future.

Love love love this dress in Navy.

Gah the cuteness of children and their heroes.

If this isn’t the truth about brain conversations at lunch, I don’t know what is.

What parental leave looks like when it’s accepted and given for 480 days. Hell. Yes.

Explore, love, hope, and be yourself. Always.


Want to feel like a million bucks with high energy, self-love, and freedom from fad-diets? Let’s work together.