My life in a series of snaps | Vacation 2015

just a few pretty visuals of the trip so far to new york city after having been in florida. enjoying every day. xx Emily

+ where have you gone so far this year? + if you can't get away, where would you go? + how can you find bits of vacation bliss in everyday life?

| Q & A with Em | What camera did you use?

This is just my phone camera or snapchat camera! Amazing, huh?

Well, how'd you make them look like that?

I use an awesome app called VSCO Cam. It's free for phones, but there is also a computer version that syncs to photoshop lightroom that's supposedly amazing.

Be sure to tune into my snapchat (@efriend216) or follow me on instagram or twitter (both @yourfriend_em) for my travel adventures and foodie finds! xx


Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes + Weekly Finds || 5.15.15

 || Catch Up or Ketchup? ||

Changes. It's all about the change and how you handle the shifts and slides of life. Will you let something that pulls you off track ruin you, or will you look at it and say hey, what's up? you wanna challenge me? alright, I'm game. It can be easy to get caught up in the day to day expectations and realities, but one day, you'll wake up and realize that living the same day for 75 years does not a life make, and growing and evolving might just be the best plan.

I've changed A Beautiful Recovery to Powered by Greens for many reasons. I started this blog as a space to heal -- there are longer pieces hidden way way way in the archives that speak of feminism, of depression, and of personal day to day life. But then this blog became a space I wanted to speak my truth and share the knowledge I was gaining -- posts about nutrition, yoga, and wellness started to pop up. There were still posts about life and the feelings that accompany humanity, but I didn't want to feel like my whole life was just a path along recovery. I wanted to feel alive, to be empowered and powerful in all of the aspects of my life. And I wanted my journey and my evolution to be a starting point for conversation, for the expansion of knowledge, and for the empowering of others. So here we are, carving out a new space for the celebration of life, and I'm telling you guys, it's all goooood.

I'll unveil the subtle shifts and changes over the next few weeks, but for now, know that I'm not going anywhere. It took me a while to find my voice again, but I am ready for a change. And I am ready to help you change, too, if you're willing. We got this (insert fist emoji)!


What changes have you made lately? Are you ready for the weekend? Let me know in the comments below, on twitter, or on facebook!


A moral bucket list. Something worth considering, eh?

One woman's distaste for packing school lunches.

It's all about perspective -- weeds are beautiful.

So funny. Why is your millennial crying?

Expert ways to start fresh with your career. Don't regret that you never started.

How to get your beauty sleep no matter where you are in life.

For the yogis out there -- how to get over your fear of inversions.

Explore, love, hope, and be yourself. Always.


Want to feel like a million bucks with high energy, self-love, and freedom from fad-diets? Let’s work together.

Naps, Netflix, & a Nosh Filled Weekend || 4.11.15

 || La la lazy ||

Thank goodness this week is over. I've never looked more forward to the weekend, I don't think. I'll be working a little, relaxing a bunch, and enjoying the sunny skies that have taken up this part of my world. I have too many thoughts in my head to put any of them down. How did you guys like the video yesterday? What kind of topics would you like to hear in the next coming weeks? I'm thinking of doing one a week -- every Thursday :). Can't wait. I'm happy to look into and touch on anything you wish to hear regarding health, fitness, and the like -- so comment below and let's get started!

What are you up to this weekend?


Scared to make the leap from vegetarian to vegan? Going egg free was just made ten times easier with this handy dandy guide.

Bookcases to inspire …

Stand up and slow clap for the MLB.

Summer dinner party recipe favorite …

New York’s Hottest Fictional Bachelors. Yes.

This is why I don’t drink red wine

Love Hillary Duff's style as always.

Explore, love, hope, and be yourself. Always.


Want to feel like a million bucks with high energy, self-love, and freedom from fad-diets? Let’s work together.