Finally Friday ~ 2.21.14
/Who else is as ready for the end of the week as I am? Even though I still have one class to go as I write this, the whole idea of not doing a single thing once five rolls around is absolute bliss. I’ve just been so exhausted lately. I even slept through my morning yoga this morning, sleeping until 7:22 am, which is so unheard of. I don’t know if I’ve come under the weather with something or if I’m overstressed or what, but it’s a little disturbing to feel this bone deep exhaustion even when I’ve been getting around 8 hours of sleep a night. Hmm… does this ever happen to anyone else? Either way, I’ve got a little energy surrounding my countdown to being home… two weeks! Woohoo. I cannot wait to see my puppy and my momma and simply collapse for several days. I’d love to hear what you have planned for the weekend. Anything exciting?
I’m going to a Tedx Talk tomorrow. So beyond excited.
Then I have to write a paper on religious influence in Moorish Spain between 700 and 1400 CE. [Don’t worry, I won’t be using Wikipedia].
Next week starts Tie a Yellow Ribbon Week which brings awareness to the victims of sexual assault and rape violence. I am a part of PREPARE , an organization on campus that helps those dealing with sexual assault or who are rape victims. Next week we have a lot of fun events along with a beautiful commemorative ceremony. I will talk more about this next week, but I am very honored to have been accepted and trained as a part of this group. Please wear yellow, if you can, to honor the victims and spread awareness. Thanks!
And onto the fun links!
The simplicity of a beautiful life.
The best guide ever for hairbrushes. Because apparently I’ve become obsessed.
Dress like a Parisian... effortlessly awesome.
Tying a scarf like it's your job that you rock the socks off of.
Food that regrows itself? Nature is such a beautiful thing.
I just am obsessed with Sophie's blog.
How I feel about those I love.
And from my class readings this week: Eat Rice Have Faith in Women [anyone else want to have this on a T-Shirt as badly as I do?]
Basically my life has been calmed down by beauty tips and food, so this week mimics those needs. Let me know if there is anything you'd love to see on the blog!