9 Interview and Work Related Links I Love

Annnd we're off. 


Emily is in NY this week on an exciting adventure, which we can't wait to share in a couple weeks. This week's links are very "business oriented" and hopefully help any recent grads or workaholics out there. While we have been linking a lot to interview questions and work email etiquette in posts past, we figured a more focused list would be nice to refer to at a later date. Check out the nine links below we love for all things work-related and interview...  
1. A CEO's tips on landing the job.
2. An interesting analysis why creative people see the world differently.
3. How to build mental toughness.
4. Ten highly successful people on how to negotiate a raise
5. Science has determined there is a way to be more likable
6. Questions to upgrade your small talk skills
7. The most disgusting place on an airplane. 
8. Do you need a new job to get a raise?
9. Tips on owning the room

Much success in all of your careers and jobs hunts! Xx.