Fresh Monday Appeal || 5.18.15


Happy Monday / Tuesday (or whatever day you're reading this! )

"Do one thing everyday that scares you" - Eleanor Roosevelt

When you think of being scared, what emotions or feelings are called upon? Is it fear, nervousness, and anxiety, or empowering butterflies, strength, and determination? We live in a culture that capitalizes on marketing fear and being scared -- in the movies, amusement parks, stories. But there is a realm of being scared that can transcend our body to it's best possible place, and this form comes with a strong desire of the heart to say yes even if the mind is negatively pushing back and saying no. When I think of this quote above, I think of the many ways that we suppress this 'scare', denying ourselves pleasures unless they come with the word 'guity' attached, ignoring the hopes and dreams we have yet to fulfill, or not listening to our gut about the right next move. I want to challenge this self made barrier and find the things that bring me moments of bubbles in my belly and stifled giggles, because life is meant to be as awesome and amazing as you can make it. But only you can make it imperfectly perfect for yourself. It comes with finding the things that scare you, and actually doing them. Every day. Let's not hold ourselves back. Embrace the scary. Turn them into your story and propel yourself forward into the world you have created. Xx.

+ What is one thing that scares you the most? Comment below or on facebook!

Want to feel like a million bucks with high energy, self-love, and freedom from fad-diets?Let’s work together.

What's Up Monday? || 4.27.15


Hello Monday! Let's fast forward to next Wednesday night shall we? I'm grateful for too many things to do and not enough time to think. Also Gilmore Girls, Supernatural, & watching baseball online. Thank god. Hope your day is marvelous, loves. Be honest, open, and grateful always. Xx.

+ What are you grateful for? How crazy hectic are your weeks? xx.

Want to feel like a million bucks with high energy, self-love, and freedom from fad-diets? Let’s work together.

G R A T I T U D E || 4.20.15

It's bittersweet to have the coveted 20-something, what-am-I-doing-with-my-life drama. And oh boy am I having it. Above are three images that sum up my life right now, and this week's Embrace Yourself Series will spin off to owning your relationships (physically, emotionally, and spiritually), as mine need some serious sit-down-and-think-about time but doesn't everyone's?. Nothing is perfect, but lately everything is even more not perfect than before. Does that make sense? I rewrote it about fifteen different times. At least it's dress weather (and umbrellas, don't forget those for gosh sakes). Is it possible to be doing a million things and still feel like you're doing nothing? Okay, I'm not about to hyperventilate while I'm typing this. Nope. Not at all. Deep breath in, deep breath out. I'm pretty freaking grateful for my inhales and exhales right now. What is it they say in yoga? Breathe? Namaste? Well nah, I'm just gonna be crazy. At least for now while I figure out everything. Who is with me?

+ What are you grateful for? How crazy hectic are your weeks? xx.

Want to feel like a million bucks with high energy, self-love, and freedom from fad-diets? Let’s work together.
