Friday Finds: A New Ritual ...


I've written previously (here and here) about grief and sadness and being okay with not being okay, but I thought I'd share with you the one way right now I'm finding my little moments of happiness...


I've started buying myself flowers once a week.

It started out as a kind sentiment from a stranger at Trader Joe's who thought I could use some cheering up as I burst into tears at the checkout line. Then it was a gift from my incredibly sweet friend who wanted me to have a spark of beauty in a day that was all too tough. Finally it was about myself taking control and demanding a life a peace and love and happiness. So for less than six dollars a week, I'm buying myself flowers to sit on my windowsill and bring a glimpse of happy to the mornings I don't want to get out of bed or breathe deeply.

I wrote on social media this week the following:

"Sometimes it's not the grand gestures or the big things that get you through but the little things, the simple things, the imperfectly perfect things. A life of happiness isn't for people who have it magically figured out. A life of happiness is taking the happy moments and stringing them together through the rough and through the tough and through the awful. It's okay to be sad. It's okay to not be okay. That darkness makes the light all the brighter and all the more welcome. Let the light in any way you can. It's worth it. You're worth it. And if it's just to smell the roses, that's enough. To all those struggling today, I see you, and you are enough."


I am enough even when I don't feel worthy, and I deserve a life of happiness based on the terms of my choosing. Flowers are a beautiful reminder of blooming when you can and soaking up all the radiant sunshine and joy in the moments you are able. Sure, the blossoms fade, and eventually I must throw them out, but the peace they bring my heart is priceless, and the snapshots I'll have will last a lifetime.

String together the little things, babes, to make a life of Great Vibes. We are enough just as we are in this moment. Take it for all it's worth and make it great. Xx.

+ What can you do to add joy and Great Vibes to your life? Comment below!

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P.S.S. Have you checked out all of the
other places Emily's spreading the Great Vibes?

Being a #GirlBoss & Free Desktop Wallpaper

What does it mean to be a #girlboss?
You use the phrase all the time.

Being a #girlboss means more to me than just working in yoga pants with a dog snoring beside me or meeting clients at unique spaces all across town to support the locals. It's more to me than money freedom, setting my own hours, and working with people of my own choosing.

It's about being unapologetic in my success, taking what's mine without being labeled 'pushy' or 'bossy' or 'intimidating'. It's about empowering the person who thinks they aren't enough because they were told to sit down, be quiet, and speak when spoken to.

'I am strong because of who I am in my soul and my brains, not in spite of them; I am successful because of my age and my gender; not in spite of them.'

I think of the people in this world who dim their lights, because someone at some point told them they would never become a success on their own or that their interests were not enough on which to survive or thrive. I want to be brave in the face of ageism and sexism and say, 'I am strong because of who I am in my soul and my brains, not in spite of them; I am successful because of my age and my gender; not in spite of them'.

Being a #girlboss is about changing the dialogue.

I am not *lucky* to be standing where I am right now. I've busted my butt and earned it. All of us have earned where we are today - whether we're happy with it or not, our actions have contributed to our present state. It's what we do with our dissatisfaction/success that shapes who we become. It's a shame our strengths are masked by others' insecurities: we can't take control without a label against us, or stand up for our beliefs for the same reason. I laugh just thinking of the absurdity.

Being a #girlboss means getting to be 100% real 100% of the time. No ifs, ands, or buts. It's not sparkles and happy dances all of the time, but it's a hell of a lot more interesting than sitting still and watching life just pass by. 

+ What does being a #girlboss mean to you?

... on to your free desktop wallpaper!!!

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Click to download free wallpaper! Once in the new window, right click, save & there you go!

Here's what your desktop wallpaper looks like! Click to download...

P.S. Use the hashtag #thegreatvibesguide for anything that makes you feel like doing the happy dance or expressing your imperfectly perfect self.

P.S.S. Did you know you get a free Great Vibes Guide & grocery store printable when you sign up for The Newsletter? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

P.S.S.S. Have you checked out all of the
other places Emily's spreading the Great Vibes?

I Am Not Superwoman

Thank You for being my Kick A** Tribe

After launching The Great Vibes Guide last week, I was humbled and excited by the encouragement and support from everyone. It's true what they say: embrace your authenticity and the rest will follow. When you walk in your truth, imperfections and all, everything else (i.e. success, love, money) follows suit.

But I have a confession to make.

I am not Superwoman.

So stop idolizing. Stop wondering how I do it all so easily (because I don't). Stop putting me up on a pedestal because of the persona I've created for this space. To say or do those things would be unfair and unrealistic: to you and to me.

Great Vibes come from the highs and the lows. It would be a shame to never experience a day that makes you want to stomp your foot, jump up and down, and scream what the eff to the universe. Why? Because when the days that give you butterflies, the days that make you happy dance and laugh at the romance and mystery of this magnanimous world come around, they are appreciated all the more.

The Great Vibes Guide is an excellent place. And I love it with all of my heart. But to say that it's all Great Vibes all the time would be a lie. This space is created to maximize the Great Vibes, to find more days than not filled with Great Vibes. It's a reminder, to you and to me, of the easy ways to feel your best.

Last night, after four hours of tears and serious conversation, I was reminded by an amazing woman that I can do anything I want, but I don't need to/can not do it all at once.

I may not be Superwoman, oh heck no. But I am a super woman. I love my life. I love my friends. I love my food and yoga and my dog, Dellie. I am so humbled to find what fuels my passions at such a young age, but my life is a careful, hectic, overwhelming-at-most-times balance. Some days it's giggles and hope and success, while other days it tears, tantrums, and wanting to hide in a bowl of popcorn & Netflix. When those Great Vibes need an extra boost, that's what this space is all about.

I love you all, but I'm here to be human with you, not held to a higher standard. I am not Superwoman, but I am a super woman. And to all of you out there, you're super humans too.

Xx & Great Vibes

P.S. While you're curious about all things Great Vibes, I invite you to use the hashtag #thegreatvibesguide for anything that makes you feel like doing the happy dance or expressing your imperfectly perfect selves.

P.S.S. Did you know if you sign up for the newsletter you get a free Great Vibes Guide & grocery store printable of the dirty dozen and clean fifteen? Yeah ... we're going there.

P.S.S.S.S. Have you checked out all of the
other places Emily's spreading the Great Vibes?