G R A T I T U D E || 4.13.15

I am definitely undefinable and impossible to place within the confines of a definition, but boho soul sounds just right. Last week I talked of embracing yourself and some simple steps to do so -- anyone try it? I'm curious. Let me know by leaving a reply, commenting on facebook, or any other way you wish. 

I am grateful for sleep, laughter, good friends, yummy food, being able to laugh at myself, finally settling into my body and who I am in this moment, people who keep me on track and remind me of my priorities, fun information, pretty pictures, swirly dresses, only three weeks left of class, torn jeans, teaching yoga classes, and generally gearing up for an awesome life.

+ What are you grateful for? xx.

p.s. liked the video from last week on training wheels green smoothies? this time, it's all about the seasonal and local produce baybayyy -- tips and tricks brought to you in under three minutes coming your way on thursday :)

Want to feel like a million bucks with high energy, self-love, and freedom from fad-diets?Let’s work together.

Naps, Netflix, & a Nosh Filled Weekend || 4.11.15

 || La la lazy ||

Thank goodness this week is over. I've never looked more forward to the weekend, I don't think. I'll be working a little, relaxing a bunch, and enjoying the sunny skies that have taken up this part of my world. I have too many thoughts in my head to put any of them down. How did you guys like the video yesterday? What kind of topics would you like to hear in the next coming weeks? I'm thinking of doing one a week -- every Thursday :). Can't wait. I'm happy to look into and touch on anything you wish to hear regarding health, fitness, and the like -- so comment below and let's get started!

What are you up to this weekend?


Scared to make the leap from vegetarian to vegan? Going egg free was just made ten times easier with this handy dandy guide.

Bookcases to inspire …

Stand up and slow clap for the MLB.

Summer dinner party recipe favorite …

New York’s Hottest Fictional Bachelors. Yes.

This is why I don’t drink red wine

Love Hillary Duff's style as always.

Explore, love, hope, and be yourself. Always.


Want to feel like a million bucks with high energy, self-love, and freedom from fad-diets? Let’s work together.

|| R E C I P E + V I D E O || Emily Goes Into New Territory | 4.9.15

The Training Wheels Green Smoothie -Spinach & Banana (and other things of course)

R E C I P E 


+ 1 cup of Non-Dairy Milk (I normally use almond milk and add water to thin my smoothies)+ 1-2 Cups of Spinach (if new to the world of green smoothies, start at 1 cup and work up) + 1 banana + Flax Seed (anywhere from 1/2 - 1 tbsp) + Almonds (anywhere from 5-15; alternatively, use equal amounts flax and chia seeds or hemp seeds) + Spices of Choice (I love cinnamon and nutmeg) + Ice (optional)

Add all ingredients to a blender until all is combine and no longer in chunks -- there really isn't a better word for this, is there? To thin, add more non-dairy milk or water. To thicken, add more ice or plan ahead by freezing the bananas in small pieces.

Why do we love Green Smoothies? The one above packs potassium, manganese, folate, fiber, vital vitamins and nutrients (think B6, C, E, omegas), as well as protein and more, and it's all jam packed into something that tastes amazing ;-). Plus, it makes your body glow from the inside out and feel like it can go for hours (if you're wondering how filling a simple drink could be, try it out, and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised).

For another smoothie recipe, check out this Berry & Beet Smoothie + have you tried green smoothies before? was this a new idea for you? comment below!


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Want to feel like a million bucks with high energy, self-love, and freedom from fad-diets? Let’s work together.

Xx. Remember, always listen to your body and soul -- it's generally in there that you'll find just what you need.