Chocolate Covered Coconut Circles to Rock Your World


It’s amaaaaaazing to me how easy and simple and life transforming sweets can be when they don’t contain ingredients that make you want to run for the hills. These treats are easy to make and indulgently glorious for your body.

I mean who doesn’t love coconut & chocolate – sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t… great commercial. Anyway… enjoy these little circles of pure joy – maybe add some peppermint to the filling and find yourself biting into a mint patty cloud. I know. Heaven.

When you eat ingredients that are delicious and magnificently great for you, you begin to look radiant and glowing. Pretty soon someone will ask you on the street, what’s your secret? Oh my secret? Coconut patties covered in chocolate and dotted with almonds…

Coming up this weekend… The Inside Scoop On Coconut

 P.S. this rainy weather I’m having is really messing with my photo shoots… but how could I not share this deliciousness? Make these and if you still aren't assured of their magic... let me know and we'll work on that pronto ; - )

||Chocolate Covered Coconut Circles ||

Makes about 10 small treats – feel free to make larger ; )

Coconut Filling ||

½ cup + 2 tbsp. unsweetened organic coconut, finely shredded 2 tbsp. melted coconut oil 1 tablespoons liquid sweetener – I’ve been experimenting with brown rice syrup, so I used that, but agave, honey, or maple syrup would also work 1 dash cinnamon Might be a delicious option to add peppermint essential oil to the coconut filling for a minty treat!

Chocolate Coating || note: you can also melt a bag of chocolate chips to dip them in… which I would have done but Tuesday night I ate them all. yeah.

1 tbsp. melted coconut oil 1/3 cup cocoa powder -- I didn't have cacao on hand 4 tbsp. brown rice syrup (can use honey, maple syrup, or agave here as well) Additional flavorings could include: cinnamon, maca powder, cayenne, the options are endless!

Recipe ||

For the filling -

  1. Combine all of the ingredients for the coconut filling together in a small bowl.
  2. Grab a small cookie sheet with some parchment paper– I have a small living space and even smaller refrigerator so I used a container lid
  3. Start to form the coconut into about 10 small paddies – mine were about the size of quarters (don’t worry if they don’t stick together well – this is due to the melty coconut oil – just clump them together on the paper and press down using the back of a spoon or lid)
  4. Place them in the freezer to harden – about 30 minutes

For the chocolate -

  1. Combine all of the ingredients for the chocolate coating together until smooth or melt your chocolate chips

For the final result -

  1. After the patties have set, pull them out of the refrigerator and dip carefully in the chocolate mixture – using your fingers if eating these by yourself or a fork if you plan on sharing. Warning: this is a messy process – more chocolate got on my fingers then the coconut, which was really okay because I ate it all …
  2. Feel free to add sliced almonds to the top or more shredded coconut
  3. Place them back in the freezer or refrigerator to set or do what I did and not wait and just eat them as a chocolaty, blissful mess

Enjoy, loves! xxoo

Inspired by Free People: Almond Coconut Chocolate Bites + Emily Von Euw: Chocolate Covered Mint Patties

[pictures by yours truly, slightly off lighting courtesy of a rainy day – what is it they say about the best laid intentions…]