Friday Finds || 9.26.14



Sometimes I feel like Friday can’t get here soon enough, but then when it finally does, I become anxious of whether or not I’ll get everything checked off my list over the weekend. Seems to me like it’s time to turn in, slow down, and prioritize. I'm finding I've put great emphasis on things that are not important and not enough emphasis on what is meaningful for me. I’m not living any life other than my own, so why do I prioritize according to the expectations of others? Of course, I prioritize my classwork and committee obligations first, but who is to say I can’t enjoy every single facet of my day, even if they are exhausting, simply because I am doing what I love?

This weekend I am turning in, unplugging my computer for a while, and sitting with myself to figure out what I want to do with my life – how I want to feel fulfilled and amazed with each passing day. Time to start dreaming. Other than that, I’ll be working on some art projects, this beautiful little blog, and spending quality time with my bed and some movies.

Do you ever feel that way about how you prioritize? What are you up to this weekend?


A guy and his dog – makes my heart swell three sizes too big.

I’d love to experiment a gluten free version of this beautiful bread.

A to-do list to start appreciating yourself and all that you are in this world.

This is a biggie: life’s purpose and how to figure out your own.

What it’s like to work from your bed. Made me laugh out loud. So true.

If I ever have the pleasure of working with someone, I plan on being the best boss possible.

Funny how we forget that everyone wakes up and has to put their pants on one leg at a time, no matter how famous or amazing.

Have a safe and happy weekend. It’s almost October, can you believe it? Find time to sit with yourself this weekend and find the love and graciousness that flows through you.
