Already Dishing Out the Ice Cream || 3.23.15

|| Monday Funday Can't Wait Till Sunday ||

Welp. Already a quiz and an exam down, two more huge assignments to go, and then the week will calm itself considerably. I'm dreaming too large right now -- having trouble keeping my feet firmly planted in the ground, ya know? So much to take in and absorb yet not enough of a sponge to hold onto it all tightly. Hoping it'll all stick eventually. This week is the week of catching up, success, tranquility, and coexistence with my mind and soul. YESSSSSS.

I'm starting a cleanse this week; a purge of negative thoughts, an invitation for fueling recipes, and a call for this panicked heart break feeling to leave. If you're interested in finding your true self with acceptance, eating to feel like a million bucks every day, and ridding yourself of the confusion around fad diets, consider working with me. It all starts with a f r e e consultation. Woohoo! I'm so grateful for this life I live.

Hope the rest of your Monday is amazing. Keep dreaming and stay rested. ; ). xx.

How was your weekend? Anything exciting happen? What are you looking forward to this week? What are you grateful for?
