|| Time for Thanks & Giving ||
Down to the hours before I board a plane and begin a 4 day break much needed during this hectic holiday time. I can't believe last week happened so quickly, though time did offer me space to get the things I needed done. Thank goodness! Tomorrow, I'm looking forward to grabbing my borrowed carry-on, zipping up my ankle boots, and taking my time walking in the airport before parking my bottom next to a stranger on a packed plane and starting conversation -- I meet the nicest people on airplanes. With tests done, projects created, and artwork mastered (for the most part), I feel like my mind and body are begging for some relaxation. Headed your way is a holiday survival guide fit for Thanksgiving that I plan on putting to good use this week. I spent the weekend getting caught up, a mix between stress and ease, so it really is time for a slow down.
What is everyone up to this season? Any fun Thanksgiving traditions? Each one of my holidays have been so different from the last that I couldn't pin point a tradition if I tried. I'd love to hear all about your rituals.
Anyone staying mindful lately? Especially now, we need to remember all that we can give thanks for in our lives. ||Challenge|| Now more than ever is our time to be grateful, so write down, think aloud, or imagine the beautiful facets of our lives for which we can give thanks. I'd love it if you would share with me some of your thoughts.
I'd love to hear how you all are doing.
How was everyone's weekend?
I am grateful for having a body that moves and a brain that works.
I am grateful for accomplishing tasks on my to-do list.
I am grateful for upcoming family time.
I am grateful for yoga.
I am grateful for meditation and a gentle reminder to be quiet and listen.
I am grateful for being a constant student in this class called life.
I am grateful for everyone in my life, good and bad, who teach me the lessons I most need to learn.
I am grateful for love and passion, hope and expectation, breath and laughter.
What are you grateful for?