We'll Be Back Folks
/Taking a reprieve as I get this busy semester off to a start. Get excited, because I sure am! Xx.
Taking a reprieve as I get this busy semester off to a start. Get excited, because I sure am! Xx.
I'm recovering from a heavy heart and busy life at the moment. I'm sure we all have these times. Remember to take rest, enjoy life, and stay true to yourself and what you need in the moment. For me it is sending pretty, inspiring pictures your way and thinking of ways to make this space all it can be this year. Stay imperfectly perfect, loves. Xx.
Stay grateful, loves. Not a busy week for the blog -- up and running next week! Expect a long list of weekly finds next week (because that definitely never stops accumulating). Enjoy your saved five minutes and do something fun! Xx. P.S. there won't be much rest going on for me -- saving it all for spring break ;-).
A healthy, lifestyle blog created by Emily Friend, health coach and yoga instructor, to help the every man and woman feel energized, confident, and happy with their life and body without breaking a sweat, crying into a bowl of ice cream, or screaming into a pillow.