Annnnnd We're Back || 3.16.15

It cannot possibly be the middle of March already, can it? I guess it certainly can/is. Wow. Amazing how quickly it can come and go if we don't slow down and appreciate it all. Today marks the first day in an emotional and physical cleanse of all the toxic build up in my life. I'll be drinking plenty of smoothies, helloooo beets, setting careful intentions around how I'd like my career and relationships to evolve, and really harnessing my true energy. I'm also considering a tattoo ;) oh boy. Who's with me?

I'm so grateful. Period. I wish there was a narrow and specific list today, but I would go on and on for hours. I'll try. I'm grateful for my family (even if it's messed up half the time). I'm grateful for coffee, romance novels, Snapchat, friends that live next door, starting my own business, inspiring others to be their authentic true self, teaching yoga, breathing, the list could go on and on. I'm getting ready to hunker down and rejuvenate this spring to be my best self ever. If you're looking to do the same, sign up for a f r e e health consultation (about 50 minutes). You know you want to.

Love you all. Cannot wait to see what lays in store. Xx.

+what will you do with your springtime energy?

Want to feel like a million bucks with high energy, self-love, and freedom from fad-diets? Let’s work together.
