Wednesday Already? Mantras Necessary || 12.17.14


Sorry for the silence over here! I've been sharing my time equally between being lazy and being frantically busy. Here are some of my mantras for the week ; - ). xx


Slow Down & Take a Load Off || 12.15.14


Okay, so the title is a slight exaggeration, but not far from the truth. I feel like the stress that has been building up over the last few weeks -- what am I saying, the last few months -- has caught up with me and reduced me to an exhausted Emily, lying on the couch, and watching Blue Bloods like my life depends on the show. Which it kind of does right now. The lazy, hazy weekend has been extended into the week, into my veins, and into my bones. Hopefully this week I'll get moving, catching up on much needed work, writing some great posts for all of you, and getting ready for my Kula Christmas at the end of the week. I do love the holiday season.

P.S. I made this cornbread over the weekend - twice - it. was. that. good.

P.S.S. If you're traveling home for the holidays over the next week or so, check out my holiday survival guide.

How was your weekend? Eat anything yummy? 


I am grateful for -  in the words of Joanna Goddard - "my gorgeous best friend who texts every morning, holds my hand in scary elevators, and sneaks wine into movies." Yep, she's a keeper.

I am grateful for beautiful nights in twinkle lit gardens with my beautiful Momma.

I am grateful for tea with a wonderful woman and incredible friend.

I am grateful for having a puppy in the house who reminds me what yoga off the mat looks like.

I am grateful for Netflix. It had to be said.

I am grateful for love, for I am never without it no matter where I go.

What are you grateful for?


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